"You have so much to offer the world; There is no limit to the love you can share, to the happiness you can inspire, to the peace you can bring."
Recently, I've been thinking heavily about the goodness of others and myself. What exactly does that entail? rushing to get a band aid for someone's bleeding wound? paying for the person behind you at Starbucks? saying, "I hope you have a nice day today" ? There are all these different scenarios in which 'goodness' comes into play. Here's the book definition: (n) the quality of being good, in particular.
"...good, in particular" that sounds a bit patronizing, doesn't it? As if a person has to carry this 'good' title all-in-all. Goodness, to me is the state in which a person has decided to set aside their differences, their innate egotistical behavior, and usual annoyances to help another person: to step into others' shoes and try to see life through their eyes: to not only do the "right" thing because it is right and just but because it all creates chain reactions. I feel, for the most part, goodness is a God-given trait we all carry (I'd like to hope). There are days, when one truly has to make a conscious effort and step outside of their mind -- but for the most part, whenever I experience an act of kindness..... the individual doing it isn't stuck thinking about it on the side; they just act right then and there, so effortlessly.
It all comes down to selflessness, no? Goodness stems from putting others needs in front of your own. But it also means that it's completely fine to put your own feelings first during much needed time. You aren't suddenly banished from the "good club"; you're just sharing this goodness with yourself -- recharging.
I, personally try my best to keep an inviting air. It's gratifying when a complete stranger willingly opens up to me because I looked like someone they could confide in. Does that mean I have to keep a smile on my face at all hours? definitely not. That would be exhausting and inhuman. It just means, the energy I carry isn't negative or closed-off. It's important, for me especially that people know they aren't alone -- that they can have someone to talk to, someone who will actively listen. Of course my way of living doesn't always have a positive reaction. I do get the occasional low-blows from those who can't understand why someone has chosen to keep a positive environment. But what those people don't know is that they fuel my batteries further. Because of them, I work even harder to spread 'goodness'. I treat each one of my friends and family like they're the most important person in the world....because to me, they are. All of us are. We're in this world together, why not work towards creating a happy, genuine-nature environment?
I'm so lucky to be around people who are just so effortlessly generous, and humble, and inviting - even strangers.... I witness so many beautiful acts of kindness. These all create ripple effects. Be inspired everyday. Start your own revolutions.